Seven Stages To Creating A Patient-Friendly Healthcare App


04 September 2023


Creating A Patient-Friendly Healthcare App

Innovative technologies made providing medical services in a remote format possible. It allows you to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of medical care, greatly facilitating the work of medical personnel and providing convenience for both patients and doctors. It explains the significant proliferation of healthcare applications.

Benefits Of Healthcare Applications

Benefits Of Healthcare Applications

There are situations where healthcare applications are much more effective than traditional healthcare. We list the main advantages of medical applications:

  • provide prompt medical assistance, eliminating the need to visit a medical facility;
  • patients feel more comfortable when providing medical services;
  • improving the quality of the information collected;
  • significantly reduced financial costs for both medical institutions and patients;
  • ensuring optimal communication links between the parties;
  • attracts more users to use applications due to the availability of various useful tools.

It is the presence of such significant advantages that stimulate developers to create healthcare applications. By ordering outsourced healthcare software development you’ll access top-notch quality, accelerate your product’s delivery, save on costs, and unlock endless possibilities for your business ideas.

Consider The Main Stages Of Creating Applications For Healthcare

Main Stages Of Creating Applications For Healthcare

Healthcare applications focus on digital patient records, drug prescribing, and remote appointments. No matter what your healthcare application is about, there are seven key steps to successfully building it.

Decide On An Appointment

Before starting development, you should decide on the purpose of the healthcare application. There are many assignments, but we will list a few examples to help you solve the issue of product scaling:

  • for the management of medical data – assisting medical professionals and patients in the exchange of medical information, as well as scheduling appointments with a doctor;
  • for medical personnel and medical organizations – they are larger and include more functionality;
  • for patients – designed to help patients effectively and quickly – they are simple and include a wealth of wellness information providing essential health support.

When you understand the purpose of a medical application, you will be able to understand its scope and structure for development.

What Will Be The User Audience?

When creating a healthcare application, you need to consider the user audience. It would be best to understand how precisely the completed application will be aimed at the age category, social component, etc. An application designed for patients should include specific recommendations for improving well-being and information about various diseases and medications.

In addition, it is necessary to provide for the control of the symptoms of diseases and the prescription component for their treatment. For example, it is essential to include information about staying well with various chronic diseases.

Define Platform

It is necessary to choose a platform for developing a medical application. On which mobile devices it should function and which operating system it should support (or support for both systems is beneficial). Always carefully approach this issue, considering the user audience and age categories.

Ensuring The Competitiveness Of Products

Currently, there are a vast number of applications for health care. Therefore, the development should consider the missing thematic or user niche or the existing non-competitive medical application. The right approach should ensure a high rating of the created products and bypass competitors in many aspects.

In addition, it is recommended to provide unique and valuable functionality that allows you to solve many issues (medical staff, patients) that were not previously solved using existing healthcare applications.

Be sure to think of quality content that includes essential and helpful information. The more your product differs from the current one, the more successful its entry into the user market will be.

Availability Of Key Functionality

Availability Of Key Functionality

Each medical application has different ways to access information, and accounts, get medical care, and more. Therefore, it can take time to determine which functionality to use in product development. Here are some examples of options that you need to consider when developing a medical application:

  • individual reports of patients about their state of health, allowing you better to navigate the existing risks and methods of treatment;
  • analytical reporting with charts – allow users to monitor their actions and assess the situation;
  • The presence of chats and the possibility of video communication – are essential for providing medical care remotely, especially when there is no opportunity to visit a medical facility;
  • The toolbar is necessary for both patients and physicians, providing information collection and helping to prescribe treatment promptly;
  • tools that allow you to receive various notifications, electronic prescriptions, and reminders.

The more thoughtful the functionality is, the more the user audience will be attracted to the developed healthcare application.

Design Development

Design is important when creating a medical application since a high-quality and well-thought-out interface is essential for users. We list the most important properties that must be taken into account when designing products:

  • ease of use;
  • font size and type – straightforward and easy to read;
  • clear navigation;
  • High-speed loading – find a balance between powerful functionality and fast loading of the application.

A well-designed interface will increase the rating of your medical application.

Product Promotion

After the launch of the application, it is essential to promote it to spread and increase the user audience. It is necessary to use wide advertising, including social networks.

We’ve covered the most critical steps in developing a healthcare app. If you correctly consider all these aspects, then the success of your created products is guaranteed.

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Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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CRM Apps

The Business Advantages of Mobile CRM Apps

You’ve got great resources within your business: a rock star sales force, savvy human resource managers, capable customer service managers, and more. But do you have a proven system for reducing the friction, inside and outside of your business, to enable all of these key players to do their best work? The use of the CRM apps can make things easier for you. A good customer relationship management (CRM) system is the glue that holds a high-functioning business together. Once the purview of heavy desktop-only applications, modern CRM is delivering wins by the minute now in the palm of your hand, opening worlds of insightful data and always-on connections to your customers in meaningful ways through capable and intuitive mobile apps. The Business Advantages of Mobile CRM Apps: Your customers love it: Your customers, much like your workforce, are always connected through their mobile devices. Equipping your employees with CRM mobile apps facilitates customer engagement through popular social media platforms, adding accessibility and visibility to everyday nature of social media means you can keep a constant finger on the pulse of customer interactions and stay ready to respond to your customers when they engage you, building rapport, credibility, and relevance. Office on-the-go: When your salespeople go out into the field with a CRM mobile app, they have an enormous wealth of information right in their hands. Instant access to a single authoritative source of internal and customer data means salespeople can update relationship data any time, even in the middle of a conversation. There’s no more going back through hurried notes; easy-to-use apps make it simple to capture all the details, no matter how small they seem, because of every detail matters in cultivating long-lasting relationships. Instant access means immediate feedback, too, whether it’s insights from internal partners or direct customer engagements on social media. With a single tap, you’re up-to-date on everything from responses to your latest product launch to marketing’s newest promotion without having to trudge through an already-bursting inbox. Keep up the pace: Customers don’t just like instant answers – thanks to the fast-moving nature of news, media, and the internet – they expect them. And to be successful, your business must not only meet these expectations but exceed them on a daily basis. Buckets of emails, time-consuming phone calls, and extraneous sales meetings are all barriers to closing more deals. Meanwhile using mobile CRM apps can provide everything your business needs to adapt to these changes in an on-demand way, so there’s no delay. You already know what a talented group of people you have supporting your business; CRM tools like customer insights, aggregated relationship data, and instant feedback help your associates take their game, and your business, to the next level. Connected workforce: Do you have a distributed workforce? Agents who regularly travel or necessarily put in lots of time outside the office or away from their desks? Having your employees use mobile CRM apps enables them to serve customers from anywhere. It allows them to be more responsive to customers, makes it easier for them to adapt their own schedules, and helps them fulfill the needs of the customer relationship in the most efficient way possible. This is particularly important for salespeople. It may not sound like it at first, but the difference between consuming and cultivating relationship data on a phone or on a sometimes-cumbersome laptop can make a world of difference. Remember the last time you had a major insight or got a stellar lead on your way to catch the next leg of your flight? Those moments of inspiration are much more easily captured when you don’t have to stop, pull out a laptop, fumble for a mouse and charger, login, and only then get to work. CRM Apps and marketing automation: Are you still relying on promotional emails, mailers, or other means of customer engagement that give you no insight on engagement? Adding a powerful CRM mobile app to your toolbox that’s coupled to a consumer app for use by your customers means you can now send promotions, updates, and other marketing engagements right to their CRM apps. Imagine sending your biggest customer a personal promotion in a push notification right on their device! Not only are you removing roadblocks to getting your pitch in front of their eyes, but you also get baked-in insights on who has engaged, who show interest, and who may be planning to make a move all without them having to say a single word to you. Understand that yesterday’s options won’t cut it in today’s world. You’ve got to be on the leading edge to stand out these days, and the vast benefits of putting your relationship tools right in the hands of those who matter most could very well put you in the lead. Know your options, because knowledge is power and that knowledge could just be the one thing you’re missing right now. Read Also: 8 Best Shopping Apps For 2019 How To Make Money From Resale Apps 7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Mobile App Why An Automated Sales CRM Platform Is What Your Business Needs To Take Off

Time Clock App

How to Get Your Employees to Use a Time Clock App

Time clocks are an essential part of a business and can increase business productivity, cut down on wasted time, and prevent over-efficiency. This is especially true in the office, where a boss wants to ensure that everyone is working at their best. This article is going to give you some tips on how to get your employees to use a time clock app instead of paper and pen. Outline Advantages of Time Clock App: The first thing you need to do when trying to get employees to use a time clock app is to give them an idea of the advantages. Most employees are adamant when it comes to change and believe the old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” To change their thinking, you need to show them a few benefits of using a time clock app rather than paper and pen. For instance, you can allow your employees to test a time clock app you’re considering to show them how easily they can keep track of all of their projects with the click of a button. This will ensure that they are aware of the progress of each project in real-time. As time progresses, it will also allow them to see whether or not they’re on track with the goals that they’ve set for themselves. Below are additional advantages you can bring to your employees to help get them on board. 1. Accurate Pay Another benefit of having a time clock app is the fact that you will be able to track time with accuracy. You can see the exact moment an employee punched in and out for the day. This will save you money and reduce the number of mistakes that you make with the process. Accurate team time tracking also means more accurate pay. This is of enormous importance to employees, especially those who may be living paycheck to paycheck. Accurate pay is probably one of the most important factors of using a time and attendance app, so be sure to make your employees aware of this benefit. 2. Reduce Stress A time clock app also works to reduce stress. Having an accurate and easily accessible time clock can help relieve some of the stress that an employee may be feeling while they are working. They will know precisely how much time they have spent on each task, and they won’t get confused when they are running behind. Not only can work tracking software help reduce employee stress for employees but stress for managers and business owners as well. You will be more organized, and it will be easier to manage the flow of tasks that will occur throughout the day. Since the system does most of the heavy lifting for you, you no longer have to stress about getting accurate time cards ready for payroll processing. 3. Eliminate Distractions Distractions can significantly impact an employee’s day. Luckily, with a time clock app, employees can stay focused on their objectives and ensure they’re on track to meet any deadlines set. They can set aside time to work on a specific task and track that time with minimal effort. This, in turn, increases productivity, reduces stress, and helps employees get more meaning out of their workday. Finally, when it comes to getting your employees to use a time clock app, it is also vital that you offer training to them about how to use the program effectively. Having them understand the importance of being organized in their daily activities can go a long way. Not only will your company be more effective with the online timecard system, but your employees will also be happier with the way that they are working. Read Also: Best iPhone Spy Apps Without Jail breaking Top 10 Apps for Team Communication and Remote Work The Best Pranking Apps in 2020 The Business Advantages of Mobile CRM Apps

Cancer App

The Functions and Benefits of a Cancer App

Technology is every bit a part of our lives in good times and in bad. For someone going through cancer, there is very little about the situation which you can control. Fortunately, technology is on your side. Mobile phone applications today are not only helping cancer patients in passing the time while between doctor’s appointments but are catered towards providing a patient-centered service with various features that were designed to help a patient manage the treatment and recovery process. What is a cancer app? The healthcare industry has long benefited from different mobile applications aimed at helping ordinary individuals manage their health. A cancer app, on the other hand, provides a more comprehensive approach towards aiding a patient at the onset of cancer diagnosis, until after remission and recovery. Each application has different features, but the primary goal is the same – to help patients with treatment management. Some apps list detailed information about specific types of cancers as well as an option to write inquiries, record medication and symptoms, and have an overall convenient way to organize activities related to ongoing treatment. Some apps even have the option to record what goes on during a doctor’s appointment so that the patient can easily recall and be reminded of some important details. Another helpful feature of these applications is the option for patients to connect with other patients similar to how a social media platform functions. Examples of popular apps for cancer patients: There are many options available out there and selecting the best one can be overwhelming. In choosing a cancer app to download and use, check the features and services first to determine which best suits your lifestyle and your needs. Belong app. What’s great about this application is that it is patient-centered in a way that it connects patients to a complete ecosystem of oncologists, researchers, nurses, and radiologists ready to answer your inquiries. Patients will not only receive the help they need from experts but from a network of other individuals who are also going through the same ordeal. The app is easy to navigate and provides you with a complete platform to manage and organize all your documents which you can also share with family members and medical professionals. The app also provides clinical trial matching service which can really make the change in a patient’s life. Keeping track of your medication, notes, and remembering your doctor's advice can be incredibly overwhelming for a cancer patient. This app, in particular, simplifies the process with a host of features that help a patient manage each essential step of the treatment process. There is also a calendar which you can use to schedule appointments and set reminders. Although these apps are already sophisticated, there is still much to be improved so that these apps benefit more patients in the future. If you go to the App Store or Google Play, you will see that there are hundreds of these applications, but only a select few have undergone extensive testing. If you are looking for a cancer app, you need to ensure that you take a close look at the features and read the reviews of each app to find the best one. Read Also: Finding The Right Hospital Dominant Mobile App Trends To Keep An Eye On Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? 5 Types Of Cancer Prominent In Women 7 Surprising Benefits Of Alkaline Foods